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Lana Konat

Lana Konat


Her personal food saga began in the kitchen when she noticed how appetizing her breakfast looked. That feeling of satisfaction is exactly what Lana Konat conveys through her photography.

Lana Konat occupies with the theory and practice of food photography. She devotes herself to cooking and foods styling so much that these activities now are her life. Through her images, this self-taught photographer conveys that feeling of satisfaction that arises when you have cooked a beautiful and delicious meal.

Lana loves to break new ground in food photography. But it’s her love for detail that remains unchanged. Details are what give her compositions their special mood, accent, and sharpness. After she moved to a city in Turkey with Greek roots and oriental peculiarities, the colors and tastes reawakened her love for food photography.

She works with small restaurants, magazines, as well as online projects as both a food photographer and as a food stylist. Besides eating, she likes to photograph the emotions of people young and old. These often appear in her food photos.

The photographer is inspired by sunshine, natural materials, and oriental colors, as well as unique color combinations.